The Bar­bara Bren­nan School (BBSH) is pleased to announce the train­ing for the first year in Kißlegg. 

Train­ing for the first school year begins in Sep­tem­ber 2021. 

School year 2021–2022

Res­i­dent train­ing dates
Class 1: Sep­tem­ber 2–5, 2021 
Class 2: Novem­ber 4th — 7th, 2021 
Class 3: Jan­u­ary 20–23, 2022 
Class 4: April 7–10, 2022 
Class 5: June 2–5, 2022 

Zoom train­ing dates
In addi­tion to face-to-face teach­ing, there are also Zoom teach­ing days between the train­ing units.
(1/2 day zoom lessons with teach­ers and 1/2 day in your own time) 
Octo­ber 23, 2021 
Decem­ber 18, 2021 
Feb­ru­ary 12, 2022 
Feb­ru­ary 26, 2022 
April 23, 2022

A beau­ti­ful nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment that is cul­tur­al­ly locat­ed in the heart of three Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries: Switzer­land, Ger­many and Austria 
Sebas­t­ian-Kneipp-Strasse 1 
88353 Kiss­legg, Germany 
Tel .: +49 75 63 18 90

Class­es Cost
$ 7,900 per year 
BBSH offers a 10 month pay­ment plan with no inter­est expense. 
The lessons are bilin­gual — Eng­lish and Ger­man (teach­ers speak German). 

If you have any ques­tions or require fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please contact: 

Denise Mol­lo, Stu­dent Affairs Manager

Karl Per­null, Dean and Teacher 
Tel. +43 680 2384 754